Ne, nisem se vrgla v intenzivno branje knjig.
Ne, nisem v intenzivnih pripravah na maraton...ampak zgolj na dvakrattedenski fizkulturi...čeprav sem res že tako zmešana (v plus seveda), da sem šla enkrat celo pred 7 zjutraj.
Ne, nisem izgubila želje po pisanju, samo nekako se še zmeraj navajam na nove smučke.
Slalomiram med vsemi zgoraj naštetimi vratci...pa še na pol proge nisem
And it's obvious my angry adolescent days are done
And I'm happy and I'm settled in the person I've become
But that doesn't mean I'm settled up and sitting out the game
Time may change a lot but some things may stay the same
And I won't sit down
And I won't shut up
And most of all I will not grow up
And I'm happy and I'm settled in the person I've become
But that doesn't mean I'm settled up and sitting out the game
Time may change a lot but some things may stay the same
And I won't sit down
And I won't shut up
And most of all I will not grow up
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