sobota, 18. avgust 2012

Kaj ti pomaga doktorat, če ne znaš žarnice zamenjat?

 Moram priznat, da sem bila kar malo zgrožena.
 In ko sem dotične starše (sicer dolgoletne prijatelje) vprašala: Pa se ti ne zdi da bo otroku v šoli malo dolgčas ? Je bil odgovor: Ne, sej bo imel dosti dela s tem da se nauči 4 prav napisat! Dete nima niti šest let.  Šole od vpisa še ni blizu videl!

Pa sej nebi nič rekla, če bi otrok to hotel...ampak dete je reklo: Jaz nebi računov! Jasno in glasno. Vsakič posebej.
A jih je dobil...vsak dan 16... in med njimi tudi: 
In če je narobe izračunal...poprava. Pol se mi je še enkrat zdelo, da moram to svojo zgroženost sem jo na malo bolj strokoven način, češ da niti njegovi možgani najbrž niso še tam itd. pa sem videla, da tukaj nič ne pomaga. A sem povedala da jih še nima 6?

 OK, eno je otroška raziskovalnost, ko jih zanima vse živo (poudarek je na jih), od tega kdo je tista prva mamica ki je bila na svetu, do tega zakaj je v morju sol, kaj je v vesolju...drugo pa to da ga siliš v računanje samo zato ker je dete dobro v številkah. Brez skrbi bo v življenju dovolj priložnosti, da to izrabi sebi v prid.

Jaz mislim, da se šola (ali mala šola po starem) z razlogom začne pri 6...ker mali možgančki se morajo do takrat naigrat, sprobavat motoriko, veselit, početi veliko tistega, kar jim je ljubo, pa čeprav ravsanja z bratci in sestrami (ej HALO! to je zelo pomemben »survival skill« v šoli) ...učit matematiko preko fižolčkov, jabolk, račk, sprobavat al gre dotični šrauf res v tisto luknjo...

Sem seveda malo raziskala ( tole sicer ni suho zlato in najbrž so res izjeme  ter drugačni pogledi ) sem  našla naslednje:

»Preschoolers provide remarkable examples of how children play an active role in their own cognitive development, especially in their attempts to understand, explain, organize, manipulate, construct, and predict. Young children also see patterns in objects and events of the world and then attempt to organize those patterns to explain the world.
At the same time, preschoolers have cognitive limitations. Children have trouble controlling their own attention and memory functions, confuse superficial appearances with reality, and focus on a single aspect of an experience at a time. Across cultures, young children tend to make these same kinds of immature cognitive errors.
Piaget referred to the cognitive development occurring between ages 2 and 7 as the preoperational stage. In this stage, children increase their use of language and other symbols, their imitation of adult behaviors, and their play. Young children develop a fascination with words—both good and bad language. Children also play games of make-believe: using an empty box as a car, playing family with siblings, and nurturing imaginary friendships.
Piaget also described the preoperational stage in terms of what children cannot do. Piaget used the term operational to refer to reversible abilities that children had not yet developed. By reversible, Piaget referred to mental or physical actions that can go back and forth—meaning that they can occur in more than one way, or direction. Adding (3 + 3 = 6) and subtracting (6 − 3 = 3) are examples of reversible actions. Children at this stage, according to Piaget, make use of magical thinking based on their own sensory and perceptual abilities and are easily misled.«

Izklopite svoje pretirane ambicije do otrok in vklopite zdravo pamet!  Šole še povohal niso.

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